Just the life of any other Rachel

Monday, February 20, 2017

5 Hours in the ER (and some TMI)

Yesterday, I had some weird mucus-y bloody discharge.  I had had some pink spotting but this was red, red.  I called the advice line.  Then had a phone appointment with an OB.  She said if I wanted to wait til Tuesday, that would likely be ok.  If I wanted to go to the ER that was ok too.  (She said everything sounded fine, but since she couldn't examine me, she couldn't be sure).  I knew I needed the piece of mind, or I'd drive myself crazy.
My mom came with me, so Aaron could stay with Bertram.  I checked in around 3pm.  Around 3:45 I had an ultrasound (which I didn't get to see, boo).  Around 4 I had a blood draw, and they said no eating or drinking til I left.  The blood work was going to take two hours, then I could have a pelvic and be done.
So we waited and waited.  And a smelly homeless guy sat near us, so we had to move.  Mom finished her book.  I had played on my phone for too long.
At 7, I went and talked to the nurse to see if my blood work was back.  She said it was, but they needed a room in the back to do the pelvic.  I told her they could do it in the waiting room, because I wanted to just be done.  She said there were four people ahead of me.  So we waited more.  But then she came out 10 minutes later and said they could see me in one of the front rooms.  (The reason they didn't want to do it there was because there was no door (just a curtain) and the bed was a small gurney, without stirrups).  They had me prop up on a bedpan, since the bed wasn't made for pelvic exams.  It was fairly uncomfortable, the dr had to bend the speculum all around to get a proper view of my cervix.  He said it looked closed, the blood work was good, and the ultrasound was good.  He said to follow up with my OB on Tuesday.
We left a little before 8.  It was a long afternoon.  But the ER was pretty busy most of the time we were there.  We went to Jack in the Box because we were both starving.
I have a follow up with my OB tomorrow afternoon.  I think I see her like every week.  This pregnancy has been a bit rough.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

So I remember

I've been feeding baby bump move a lot today. It makes me happy.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Something different

(If we're friends on Facebook, please don't mention this on there yet.)

In case you haven't guessed, I'm pregnant.  Yay!  I'm 16 weeks.  I haven't announced it online yet because there were some issues early on.  I had some spotting, and cramping.  Well, I still have sporadic spotting and cramping.  But I went to see my OB again today (I've been going in a lot, because I've been really nervous this time around), and she said unless it's constant, or heavy red bleeding (as opposed to the pink I've been having) it's normal.

So back to the beginning.  I knew I was pregnant about as early as one could know.
This is the very first test I took.  You can only see the pink line if you squint, a lot.

And like when I was pregnant with Bertie, I had a short, light "period".  I went to the doctor fairly early on, to make sure I was actually pregnant.
This is the second ultrasound picture.  I can't find the first one on the computer.

I took more pregnancy tests than necessary.

The cramping and spotting early on was scary, and ... well, just scary.  But I was also really sick from the very beginning.  Way sicker than I was with Bertie, and so exhausted.  That was the real reason I quit working at Amazon.  Between the spotting, being sick, and being super tired, it didn't work anymore.  It's too bad, because I enjoyed the job, and the extra cash, but health and wellness first.

My ornament this year.  It says "baby" on the snowman's tummy.

That was about 12 weeks along.

I just put my non-maternity pants away last week.  When I was pregnant with Bertram, I gained 20 lbs in the first trimester.  This time I gained about 5.  But I was about 165 at the start of the last pregnancy, and I was 188 at the start of this one.  So I am obese, which means I really need to keep the weight gain to a minimum.  Last week I was a dietitian, and made a plan that gives me enough calories and enough of the different kinds of foods.  Fingers crossed.  Since I'm still exhausted all the time, exercise hasn't been happening much.

I'm fairly certain the baby is a girl.  Based on the heart rate, how sick I was, and that I'm carrying high; I'm fairly sure the baby is a girl.  I will be shocked if it's a boy, actually.  We'll find out at the end of the month, and then we'll announce it to the facebook universe.  

We've been thinking about Bronwyn for her name.  My only hesitation is having both kids with the same first initial.  

I'm actually really nervous to have a girl.  The world is not a great place for girls right now.  And I worry that I don't have what it takes to raise a strong, feminist girl.

 I've been trying to get the house in order a bit.  We're debating between having Bertram and new baby share a room.  If it's a boy it's a no brainer.  But if it's a girl, we may have them share for a few years, then separate them.  We have 3 bedrooms in the house, so we lose our guest room if they each have their own rooms.  Anyway, that's something we'll work on later.