Bertram has been sick with a fever and cough for a week. He just left to see the dr again (I think he was there on Monday). It looks like he will miss 6 days of school, which is bad enough on it's own, but next week is Fall Break. Which means he is out of school for 2 weeks. Also, I'm going crazy, mostly being stuck at home, with at least one whiny kid (though usually 2). Bron has been mildly sick off and on, and we were all sick over last weekend. So it's been a rough week.
Aside from the illness, it's been really hot. It was close to 100͒ for 3 days. I am so ready for Fall. I think we're supposed to have a cold front coming in.
I changed my meds a couple weeks ago. I didn't feel like the Cymbalta was working anymore. So I am in the process of switching back to Zoloft. One (or more) of my meds is making me super sweaty. Not in a smelly way, just like embarrassingly damp.
School is going ok for Bertram. It seems like he gets easily frustrated, so we've been working on that. He started going to see the counselor (Mr Tony) once a week to help with interpersonal skills. He should be starting Speech at school before too long as well. He likes school. The only homework they have is reading, whatever he wants. He loves reading, so homework is easy.
Grandma's house closed yesterday. The little house is going to be torn down and made into a 3000sqft two story house. That will not fit in with the neighbourhood, and will likely be worth twice as much as any other house on the street.