I went on a bit of a macaron kick. It's awesome when they turn out, and frustrating when they don't. I've made a few batches and only have a 50% success rate. I made a pistachio batch that was really good. They are tricky, time consuming, and fussy cookies, but so yummy. One issue is the use only egg whites. I have not had success with boxed egg whites, so I end up with left over yolks, and thus far, I am not a good custard/pudding maker. I need more practice.
I counted (not including the macarons) I think I made something like 360 cookies for Christmas. I made grandma's Christmas cookies, which I didn't take a picture of, for some reason. I made the gingerbread pictured above. It actually tasted good, unlike all the gingerbread I've had previously. My piping needs work, but I enjoy the practice when I can get it. I also made cookies for my dad and FIL for gifts. I think I did chocolate chip, a short bread type and peanut butter.
Christmas Eve
Christmas day. I really didn't take a lot of pictures this year. We all had matching PJs. Kids got too many things, but lots of books, which I can get behind. We had a nice dinner with the extended family. It was kind of weird. The holidays went by fast, and didn't see as fun, I think because we didn't have Grandma. I'm still not sure I've acclimated to the new normal.
We went up to the Legion of Honor with my dad to see the Tissot exhibit. We left Bron with Aaron's mom. Bertram had a good enough time. I really try to expose him to as much as possible, even though he hates it.
The kids both got new scooters. They both need more practice.
We went to the mall on New Years Eve day. They did a Noon-years eve. So we watched the balloons come down.
Bron got some necklaces. She really likes them.
We went to the library for Music and Movement, but it was cancelled that day. So they just played.
Bertram got a Giant Bubble maker for Christmas. They both really enjoyed that. I need to buy some more of that solution, and bottle it when we're done, so we don't waste it.
We went to the Aquarium on the last day of Christmas break. Aaron took the day off. It was a Monday (because we restarted on a Tuesday, for some reason). So it was fairly empty. I got Bertram's (blurry) picture with the scuba diver. The octopus was moving around, which is always neat.
I signed Bron up for a parent and me ballet class. She really likes it, but definitely follows her own rhythm.
Bron got a tea set for Christmas. She really likes it.
Bertram has lost two teeth!
It's 100 day at school this week. We glued 100 eyeballs.
Bertram has Pinewood Derby today for scouts. This is the evaluation of the car. I did all the painting, but Bertie did the design.
Bertram played a "prank" at school on Friday. I'm not entirely sure how it was supposed to be a prank. He cut the hole, and said it was an accident, the joke (I guess) was that it was on purpose. I'm a bit bummed, I really liked that shirt.
We got these cool "high" chairs from Ikea yesterday. They are like normal chairs, but tall. And they're some kind of firm plastic, so I can clean it easily.
And lastly, the most exciting (and secret) thing: WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND! I had been looking at prices, and we have decent savings (and taxes will be in soon). Bertram has been wanting to go for probably 2 years. We're going to surprise him on his birthday, and then we'll go over Spring break.