Ginormous grout. Why was this ever popular? (The counters at my dad's house are similar, but with thinner, white grout).
If I can get the mock-up from my MiL I'll post the pictures of that too.
Surprisingly, we're getting a new kitchen. Cabinets, counter, desk, microwave and stove, lights and flooring. Our dishwasher and fridge are newer, so they stay.
We originally mentioned to the landlords/Aaron's parents we were thinking of painting the cabinets, and maybe trying to find an overlay for the terrible counter. Then they start talking about real upgrades. I sort of blew it off, because they'd talked about it before, and nothing happened. But, lo and behold, contractors came, money was paid (not by us), and a date is set. We have to have everything out of it by Saturday. We've started, but it is a much more daunting task than I realized.
The current plan is to move the fridge and microwave into the living room, and make a small make shift kitchen in there. We have the garage for storage, but the main way in is through the kitchen; which might be difficult based on the stage of the remodel.
It's giving me a lot of anxiety. And Bertram is dead set against it, because change.
I was going to add pictures, but I'm typing from my phone, and they option doesn't see to be there. 🤷🏻♀️