Just the life of any other Rachel

Friday, December 15, 2017

This and That

We got our Christmas tree up, and Aaron put lights on the house (which we haven't done in a while).  There are a lot of gifts under the tree.  All the stockings are full, except Bronwyn.  What do you put in a stocking for a 5 month old?  So far she has socks in it.  I may get her another chewy toy.  We aren't doing Santa.  So that's why the stockings are full.  Bertram asks every morning if it's time to open presents.  Yesterday, he said "We need to buy a present to send to Nana, for the baby".  I told him the baby is with us, and Nana has toys.  He said "No, the other baby!"  He was talking about his (step) cousin, Lawson.  That was really cute, and sweet.  I'm pretty excited to see him open his gifts.  And he wants to help Bronwyn open hers too.

Christmas is a hard time for me.  It's a bit better this year, than in years past.  It's an odd feeling.  And I'd guess non-depressed people don't understand.  I'll go out to buy gifts, or whatever.  And I'll be really excited.  Then all of a sudden, it just hits.  I don't even know how to describe it. 

Aaron and I went to a parenting class for disciplining the willful child.  It was really informative, and helpful.  Also, I've started to get up when Aaron does, make the bed, get dressed.  Otherwise, we stay in our jammies too long and watch too much tv.  His screen time has been increasing exponentially lately.  I've cut him back to an hour (30 on the table, 30 on tv or youTube).  He's been finding ways to stay busy.  He plays with play doh for an hour at a time (or more), blocks, other art projects.  He loves playing in flour.  What I need to work on is more outside time.  I need to clean up the back yard (hopefully tomorrow).  Pick up the dog poop, pull the weeds, more room to play.  Or walk to the park more.  (Our jogging stroller has a flat tire, I need to order a new intertube). 

The kids have been amazing lately.  I feel so lucky everyday to be their mommy, and to be able to stay home with them.  I'm grateful that Aaron works hard at a job that isn't his dream, so that we have amazing insurance and I can be home.  I talked to Bertram about preschool, and he said he didn't want to go to school, he wanted to stay with me. (Preschool may not be an option.  The cheapest preschool around here is about $300 a month, for 2 half-days a week.  There is a free preschool through our school district (which I'm looking into), but my guess is that we make too much money to qualify, even though, around here we are definitely in the the low to middle income bracket). 

Bertram is still amazing with Bronwyn.  He is a great helper, when I need him to get something for me. He is generally happy, he's really creative.  He knows way too much about the solar system and geography.  He loves maps.  He has finally started drawing something other than "marble mazes" (aka scribbles), he's drawing maps.  He talks about traveling to different places. We've started reading some.  He has a lot of sight words.  He's not too interested in phonics yet. He loves helping in the kitchen, he always wants to bake.  He is affectionate with the whole family.  And he is a funny kid.  We were at Safeway yesterday, and we wanted to get something to drink (lemonade for him, diet coke for me).  We were waiting for the guy and the counter, he came over, and Bertram pointed to the cups and said "We'd like two drinks please". 

Bronwyn is almost 5 months old.  She is generally a happy kid.  She wakes up from a nap, I go in and talk to her, and she'll pop her head up and just smile.  She is the cutest thing.  She is a big drooler.  I keep thinking she is teething, but nothing yet.  She's chewing on everything.  She's started playing with toys, she loves rings, and taggie toys.  She likes playing on her tummy, and grabbing daddy's beard.  She wants to crawl, but she's not coordinated enough.  She loves baths.  Bron is a major thumb sucker.  She is still a good nurser.  (I'm still wheat free for her).  She has a dimple (almost two)

I just feel so lucky to have great kids, and to be their mom.

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