Just the life of any other Rachel

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The dawn

I think the Cymbalta is starting to work.  Just in the last 3 or 4 days, it feels like the darkness is lift.  When I have a moment to myself, I don't automatically feel sad.  Some joy is sneaking in.  I do have a couple annoying side effects.  Dry mouth, I'm thirsty all the time.  And sweating, which is worse.  I'll be out doing things, and just be dripping in sweat, for no reason.  

I took the kids (mostly just Bertram) bowling on Monday.  It wasn't super warm inside, and I wasn't working hard, but I was embarrassing sweaty.  Aside from that it was pretty fun.  I paid for 90 minutes.  It was $5.50 per game (per person) or $9.95 for 90 minutes (per person).  I figured the timed rate would be better, that way, if he wanted to keep bowling after two games we could.  (Last time we went bowling, which was at least 9 months ago, we did two games, and he wanted to keep playing).  He did pretty well, and we had fun.  Bronwyn sat patiently, for most of the time.  

For the last week, we've had a lot of rain.  We need it, but I don't really like it, it makes us a little cooped up.Yesterday, there was only a 20% chance of rain, and it was sunny.  So we all walked to the donut shop (about a mile away).  Except it started raining about halfway there.  The kids were in the stroller, so they stayed fairly dry.  Aaron and I were fairly wet.

Bronwyn has slept well a couple nights, like 8 or 9 hours straight.  Then last night, she didn't want to sleep at all.  She has mastered sitting.  And she has started army crawling.  She has been trying new foods.  I haven't been following the way your supposed to do it.  She's been getting table food, and various baby food.  She's liked most things.  Plain yogurt, waffles, eggs, bread, chicken.  She is not a huge fan of baby food peas, but likes cooked peas (like really soft, from a soup).  


  1. I’ve been on Cymbalta for a few years and I struggle with hot flashes/sweating frequently. I wonder if that is the reason for me!

  2. Yay cymbalta! Thomas is extra sweaty too, but I thought it was from his adderall. Maybe it's both! We call it his super power. Like how the hulk says his secret is he is always angry... "That's my secret, I'm always sweaty."
