Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

RIP phone

 Yesterday I dropped my phone (as I've done many times before).  It has a case, but as it hit the ground the screen went black.  Apparently, it fell just right. or wrong.  After that it got really hot.  I was concerned it might blow up, so I put it in a pot on the stove, with a lid.  It didn't blow up, and eventually ran out of battery, and cooled off. 

I am realizing how dependent I am on my phone.  My whole calendar is on there, and didn't sync with the google computer calendar, so all my appointments may be lost.  I use it as an alarm clock.  The kids ABA techs use it to contact me about scheduling stuff. My family texts me throughout the day.  I text Aaron pretty frequently.  I listen to podcasts, music and the radio on my phone.  And it's the thing that goes in my hand.  

We got one of the old phones out so I have an alarm clock.  And my new one will be here today.  But it's annoying, I'd only had the phone since October, and I really liked it.  

Aside from that, I'm an idiot.  I was making smores on the stove, toasting marshmallows on the gas flame with a fork.  After I was done there was marshmallow on the fork, so I went to lick it off.  Not remembering that the fold was just in a flame.  And I burned the fuck out of my lip.  You can see the tine lines from the fork.  So I feel stupid.  I ate a bunch of otter pops because they felt good on my lip.    

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