Just the life of any other Rachel

Saturday, February 2, 2013

All About Diamond Jim

In December 2011, I was looking at the Best Friends website.  I came across Diamond Jim.  He had been in the shelter since 2005.  They estimated he was born in 2000, he had FIV, only three teeth and he was looking for his forever home.
Somehow, I convinced Aaron that our home needed to be his home.

Best Friends flew him out from Utah.  He had a long day: a drive from Kanab to Las Vegas, Vegas to LA, LA to San Jose.  Poor guy was stuck in his crate for 10+ hours.  He cried this whole way home because he wanted out.

When we got home and let him out, he was very aggravated.  He was so tiny and skinny.  But he was strong.  He batted at us a couple times, with a powerful swipe. 
And he had to go see our vet the next day.  He was not happy to get back in the crate.  

 At first he didn't play well with the others.  Moss (who usually dislikes other cats) thought Diamond Jim was the bees knees.  He was happy to have a buddy, Diamond Jim was not.  He hissed, puffed and swiped.
The dogs were worse.  Zelda loves cats, generally they don't love her.  Fiona loves to play with Moss (they chase each other, play fight, and sometimes groom).  Diamond Jim didn't realize Fiona likes to play, and she had a scratched nose off and on.

He started out as a loner with the other fur-kids, but he loved Aaron and me from the start.  He was such a love.  He loved nuzzling, and was the perfect lap cat.
He had a habit of lasering in on our hands and headbutting us until we'd pet him.  He'd do it when we were sleeping.  Or come by and nap around our heads.  He was a love.
 Since he was small, he loved getting into small spaces the others couldn't fit.
He was also sneaky and quiet.  There were many times he got kicked or almost stepped on in the dark because he was always swirling around our feet.

He had a lot of nicknames.  This was all me, I love nicknames.  Jimmy-Jimmy, Jimmy-James, Old Baby, Slim Jim, Skinny.

He and Mossy did become buddies. They would play fight.  I think in the beginning it was real fighting.  Towards the end it was just posturing.
Jimmy-Jimmy liked Moss a little too much sometimes.  He may have been gay, and humped Moss' hip on a few occasions.  Moss didn't mind.
 He loved laying in the sun.  He often would sneak into the backyard, and try to munch on grass.  He would explore: in the garage, in the sink, in the closet, under a blanket.  Always curious, even in his old age.
 He loved people food.  He was always sneaking stuff off our plates.  He loved pretty much all food, but he wasn't too keen on cat food.
He was pushy about it.  He would repeatedly jump on the table to get our food.
One time Aaron had beef stroganoff and he, quick as lightning, took a swipe at the bowl and took off with a big chunk of beef.  A few minutes later he came back to try it again.
 He would often "sing".  He didn't whine, or meow much.  But when he found himself alone he would sing (like cats do when they sit on a fence).  At first, we thought he was distressed.  We'd find him, and he'd give us this look that said "what do you want?"
Diamond Jim, despite having him for only a little over a year, was our most expensive guy.  He had quite a few health issues over our time together.  Mostly tummy issues, he was often barfy.  So he lost weight over time.

I hope he was happy here.  We loved having him.  We did the best we could. And what we wanted was for him to have a home, and not spend his whole life in a shelter.  We gave him a family and a real home.  He gave us snuggles, smiles, and fun memories.  We will miss him.


  1. I knew of Diamond Jim, but had never "met" him. I would just like to say thank you so much for taking him into your home and loving him. A wonderful thing to do to an older, shelter only kitty. Thank you, again.

  2. I knew DJ well, as a caregiver at BestFriends. From your wonderful tribute, I can tell without a doubt that he was very happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll bet that he lived longer with all your love. I know how hard it is to take in an older animal and have to experience losing him. Thank you again so much! DJ was one of my personal favorites and I am so sad to hear of his passing, but can see how much love you gave him. He had a real family and home!

  3. I was one of DJ's caregivers at Best Friends, and remember what a sweetheart he was! A real stand-out! Thank you SO much for opening your hearts and home to him ... we Best Friends folks always hope that whatever time any of us (humans AND furry kids) has on this Earth, that it be spent in a place filled with love.
