Just the life of any other Rachel

Saturday, February 16, 2013

At this time

I opened my Discover Card bill and found I owed $0 this month.  I love when that happens!  We never carry credit card debt.  I think we've done it once it all of our married life, and then it was for only a month.  In terms of debt, we have $3700 left on my car to pay off, and all of Aaron's school loan.  As for the car, I'm making double (or triple) payments; I'm going to have it paid off before the year is through.  The student loan is hefty.  And we're hoping Aaron can stay in a non-profit or government job for the next 9 years so he qualifies for loan forgiveness.  But we're only making small payments on that, since they're income based, and it's going on my income from last year.
We're actually doing really well financially.  So I'm putting quite a bit into our two savings accounts (one for actual savings, one large unexpected bills eg: vet).  Right now, while our expenses are still low, we're going to save save $ave.
My dad bought a new Prius today, a red one.  He has two cars (well, three right now): a 92 Dodge Caravan, and a 99 Toyota Corolla.  He selling the van this weekend.  Then he wants to replace the Corolla with a new Corolla in a year or so.
We got a new cat on Tuesday.  We named him Julius.  He's a three year old grey and white tabby.  He's still afraid of Fiona, but he's getting a little braver each day.  And he a big snuggle cat, which is nice.
I've made a new weight loss plan.  These are the rules for the next month:
  1. Track all calories every day.  (I was doing this but not being very strict about it)
  2. Maximum of 24 oz of diet soda a day.  (I am really addicted to diet coke, so setting a two can limit is a good start).
  3. No sweets except on Sundays and special occasions.  (I'm also really addicted to sugar.  So this has been tough, but I know it's healthier to do without it)
  4. If not running errands, walk or jog on lunch break.  (I'm lucky enough that I can eat lunch at my desk, then use my lunch hour as I please.  Sometimes I need to buy groceries, but most days I'm free.  And since I work alone most of the time, I can come back to work all sweaty and red-faced).
  5. Ride the bike 4-5 times a week, aiming for 45-60 minutes at a time.  (I have my bike on a trainer, in the living room.  I can watch tv and petal away.)
  6. Weigh in Sunday morning.
I'm hovering around 150, I think I'm currently 148 or 149.  I'm going to get back to 140.  Then I'll see what to do from there.  I would like to sign up for a 10k or half marathon.  But I think I might be healthy enough to get pregnant in the next few months.  I don't want to sign up and pay for something I might not be able to do.

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