Come home, finish the rest of the yard work, tidy up, walk dogs, lounge, Humira.
What actually happened:
I went out to finish clipping all the bushes in the back (which is a huge job, and really needs to be done); only to find that the electric hedge clippers that I'd borrowed from my FiL were busted. As in, I broken them yesterday. I thought they'd over heated, but nope, they're actually broken. So I couldn't finish the yard work.
While in the garage (trying to fix that damn clipper), I noticed a bad, rotting kind of smell. I started investigating. I threw all the rags in the washing machine, since I thought they might be the source. Nope. I kept sniffing around. I bent over to look at something and felt the carpet was wet. (I know, carpet in a garage? That was my FiL's doing. He thinks carpeted garages are great. No clue why, since stuff like this happens...) I felt more, a large portion was wet. Then I looked at our water storage shelf and saw that a 2.5 gallon bottle was 2/3 empty.
Of course this happens while Aaron is gone...
So I emptied the shelf, which was really full. Moved the dog food tub, and dragged the shelf out of the way. That was difficult. Also, it was super hot in the garage.
Once all the crap was moved out of the way, I went at the carpet with a utility knife. More hard work.
Here's what it looked like after I got the shelf are carpet out of there. See how wet it is?

Here is the disaster I made of the garage...
The carpet I tossed out.
While doing all this, I also came across a major ant invasion. ...yay...
Now for an aside. Last time there was a major ant invasion in the garage, I grabbed the bug spray and the vacuum. For some reason the ants where all in the dirty clothes pile. While trying to vacuum around the clothes, I sucked up a pair of gym shorts... and broke the belt in the rug-beater (I have a Kenmore canister vac). I found the manual online and tried to take it apart so I could potentially fix it. But I couldn't get the thing to come apart, like it was supposed to. Fortunately (I guess) the vacuum also came with a mini-rug beater (to use on stairs, or upholstery etc).
So then I was crawling across the floor (with a lantern) following the ants, using the little vacuum attachment to suck up the ants. Once I found where the trail was coming in, I sprayed the hell out of it.
Then I realized I needed to drag the rest of the yard waste to the curb. I dragged the really heavy, full can to the curb, flipped it over, and nothing. I think 3 leaves fell out. O_o I turned it up right, then upside down again. Nothing. I left it upside down and slammed it on the ground a few times. Still nothing. Then I flipped it on it's side, and started pulling the stuff out by hand. It was all pokey, and humid. Ick. Then I flipped it upside down again. Still nothing. Slammed it on the ground and it was still stuck. At this point, I started to loose it. I kicked it, and punched it. That, of course, didn't help. I put it back on its side and started pulling the leaves and sticks out again. While doing this, I stabbed the broken blister that was on the side of my thumb. That started bleeding. I finally got the stupid can emptied and went back to the backyard. On the way there, I started sobbing. And didn't stop for about 10 minutes.
Also, Fiona has not stopped barking. And Zelda has been whining a lot. Good times.
In other news, I decided I'm going to do 30 random acts of kindness for my 30th year. I've started on a few. Today I paid for the car behind me at McDonalds. I'll write more on this sometime in the future. But I just wanted to throw that in. Everything before I got home from work was fine.
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