Just the life of any other Rachel

Friday, September 18, 2015

Catch up

Bertie had a grumpy day.  It happens every now and then.  But he did mostly ok.  He took a short nap.  We went to the grocery store.  On the way there, we pass a park, at which he shouted "Slide! Slide!"  Slide and ball are his favourite words lately.

Other Bertram things: He loves going in the backyard at his grandma and grandpa's house.  Mostly because there are tomato plants, and he'll snatch them off the vine and eat them (even the green ones).  He's been learning a lot of words.  I asked him to say his name, but it just sounds like Burbur.  He likes playing in the car.  He's been asking for Nana since she left.  He looks in her room.  And when I get my phone, he'll point at it and say "Nana", then I show him her picture.  He also recognizes Aaron's ringtone.

We're now weaning in earnest.  I resented Aaron for saying it was time.  (I thought it was pretty cute that Bertie would say "boobie", but I guess Aaron didn't).  But it is time, and I'm ready to be done.  But I'll miss it.  There is an indescribable closeness that comes with it.  It was hard today, because he was having a rough time, and saying "Boobie, boobie".  He was pretty easily distracted, but I felt awful doing it.

But since, I'm doing that, I can start taking Ritalin again.

I haven't been feeling confident about my look lately.  My skin is bad, I can't make my hair look good, I'm over-weight and not digging my double chin.  I'm working on exercising more and eating better.  But, of course, nothing happens overnight.  And Bertie broke our scale, so I can't really keep track very well.

I'm going to buy my plane tickets for Virginia soon.  Bertram and I will go in early November.

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