Just the life of any other Rachel

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Catching up a bit

I'm starting a new calling at church tomorrow: Primary Secretary.  I agreed to it before I realized how much work was involved. I'm pretty nervous, because it seems like a lot of responsibility.  Plus, I don't like other people's kids very much. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Today Bertram asked me to paint his toenails.  I obliged, of course.  He chose blue, which is good because I had a quick dry blue.  It looks really cute, and he's happy.

I've been taking Wellbutrin in addition to Celexa.  It has really been helping a lot.  Also (a little TMI coming up), I don't think I want to go back on the pill after my next pregnancy (whenever that is).  The pill really zapped my sex drive (even though it was the mini pill).  But after I thought about it, it seems like most of the hormonal birth control I've tried over the years (different pills, the patch, and depo) have all done that.  So I guess I'll have to see what my options are when the time comes.

On to a related topic, pregnancy.  It's no secret that we've started trying again.  (And I mean actually trying, keeping a calendar of my cycle).  And my period was six days late.  In that six days, I took three pregnancy tests, all negative.  Then I got my period today.  I was pretty bummed, though, after all the negative tests I was expecting it.  I did a little reading about Wellbutrin, and it seems that a few other female users experienced late periods as well.  It's not a common side effect, but I guess it does happen.

Bertram is doing a couple programs with the library.  1000 books before kindergarten and the summer reading program.  1000 books gives you a little notebook, and you list all the books you read.  We started on April 7th, and we're currently up to 492 books.  They aren't all different books, I'm sure some are on the list close to 20 times, but that's ok.  The little note in the front of the notebook implies that it generally takes 1-3 years to complete.  We're speeding along, and I'd guess we'll be done within 3 months.  When we finish, he gets a kit of school supplies, and he can have his picture up on the wall.  I just signed him up for the summer reading program today.  With that one, you keep track of how many minutes you read each day, and minutes give you points, which I think add up to prizes.  Then there are things you can do to get extra points: reading outside, going to a museum, storytime at the library, etc.  I think it should be fun.  I was looking at the summer activity guide for the library, and there is a lot of good (and free) stuff coming up.  I'm going to sign him up for a couple of classes too.  Swimming, and either dance or gymnastics.


  1. I think I hate the mini pill. I now have arm acne. And no drive, like you mentioned. And I've gained 10 pounds since starting it, even though I've been counting calories and exercising. I'm about ready to say goodbye to it.

  2. Also, those library programs sound awesome! I wish there were a summer reading program for adults here.
