Just the life of any other Rachel

Saturday, October 6, 2018

No sleep til

So far the sleep incentives haven't done much.  Bertie will go to bed without much of a fight.  But he still wakes us up every night, and he's still getting out of bed too early. 

In the mean time, my sleep quality and quantity have taken a nose dive.  Insomnia is bad, friends.  Even if I take a sleep aid, I'm often awake from 3 or 4 on.  Like, right now.  Bertie woke up, Bron woke up, and then I was awake.  I took half an Ambien, and still, I'm awake.  With 2 and a half hours of sleep to show for it. I had three nights this week with less than 4 hours of sleep.

On top of that (or maybe because of it) I'm feeling really burnt out.  It's tough, because if you're burnt out from your job you can take time off, or even find a new job.  Which is not to say I don't love my "job".  Being home with the kids is what I wanted, and I love it.  But I need a break, which seems awful to say.  And worse because I'm not sure what that looks like.  Bronwyn still wakes in the night to nurse about 3 days a week, so I can't take a night off.  And there isn't really anything I specifically want to do.  Actually, I want to spend time with the family, but not have to be "on".  Which I guess would mean everyone behaves perfectly.  So, that's not too likely either. 

I'm just rambling. 

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