Just the life of any other Rachel

Monday, June 29, 2020

Day 106

We've passed 100 days, mostly spent at home. 

School is officially done, but I'm still having Bert do some work every day.  One page of the 1st grade work book, then something additional.  The district puts out 1 language arts and 1 math video each week, so we do those as well.

We started a chore chart for everyone in the household.  Well, Bron's is currently being reworked, because all of her chores were at bedtime (pick up toys, put away books, etc), and it didn't work well.  
The top is for Aaron and me, the bottom is Bertram's.

It's working out pretty well so far.

I have been reading about getting the kids to sleep/ stay asleep in their beds.  Most of it has to do with setting a bedtime routine that starts an hour before you want them asleep.  In that hour, you have the lights low, and no screens.  This is very different from how things are currently.  I think we can manage, but I need to get a plan in order first.

Aaron is still working from home. Our county's cases are going up again, so I'm not sure when he'll be back in the office.  But it's mostly good to have him home.

I am feeling both jealous of and frustrated with people who aren't following protocol for covid.  Our county's stay at home order is still in effect.  So you are supposed be with the people you live with in your house (useless you're an essential worker, getting food or exercise, of other essential things).  Aaron's family (parents and extended family) have pretty much gone back to normal.  Congregating at my in-laws' house, or hanging out with other people.  It's annoying because Bertram can see his cousins playing together, but we won't let him play too.  And of course, it's all political, and it's not as bad as it seems, etc, etc.  As someone who is generally a rule follower, it's all very aggravating.

So I haven't been blogging because I've been grumpy, and because there really isn't a lot to say, since most days are the same.

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