Just the life of any other Rachel

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Day 192

 Bertram had an IEP addendum meeting a couple weeks ago.  He can now "leave" school at 11:45, which helps some.  I think if I had realized in the summer how this was all going to pan out, I probably would have looked seriously into home-schooling or independent study.  Like all kids, especially ASD kids, it's hard.  It's far from optimal.  And since he has ABA (or speech) after school he's just go, go, go.  We may still change ABA to a shorter schedule.   Yesterday he had a great day "at" school, and he did the best he's done in a really long time with ABA, and he did his short day.  I don't want him skipping social studies/science everyday, but if that improves his behaviour that much it may be worth it.  The district has been perhaps hinting about changing up the day with less online instruction, but nothing has come, as of yet.

Bronwyn had the first half of her ASD assessment on Monday.  Nothing to report as of yet, not until we complete the second half in a couple weeks.  She's still reading a lot.  I have a running shirt with a turtle that says "Slow AF".  I asked her to read it, which she read as slow af (the af sound).  I was surprised that she did the phonic

Aaron got into a covid vaccine study, and got his first shot last week.  I think since his arm wasn't sore he  got the placebo,  but we'll find out at some point in the future.  

I've been working on my giant t-shirt quilt.  I have all the large panel's done, and I've started working on the sashing to even out the sides.  My yard project it currently at homeostasis.  It looks great, and there isn't a ton more work, except watering, and occasionally adding a few more seeds.  The actual quilting will be a large undertaking; due to the size and heft of the thing, most of it will have to be hand quilted.  I'm not sure why I quilt.  I don't particularly enjoy it.  I just enjoy the end result... which I guess is enough?

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