Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Just the usual

 Things have been moving along.  We hit a year in quarantine.  But things are looser than they were, so I stopped my counting of the days.  

Bron started virtual preschool last week, with the assumption she will switch to in person on April 21.  Just 25 more school days.  I am ready for Bert to go back, and preschool will be much more useful for Bron in person.  Though, she's doing fairly well virtually.  It's a little rough because someone has to sit with Bron during her sessions (they do like 15 minute chunks then have breaks), and someone needs to be available to Bert during class as well.  Aaron's day is flexible, so he's been with Bron about half the time.

The 100th day of preschool, her 3rd or 4th day

The other thing that has been in the works is updating the hall bath.  It's our only 4 piece bath (the master is 3, and I never shower in there).  Fortunately the vanity, sink and toilet are in good shape.  So we're doing new: medicine cabinet, light fixture, towel bars, shower rod and curtain, and adding a cabinet above the toilet, and painting.  I say we, but Aaron is doing all the work, I'm the director. 

wood towel bar, and shower curtain and rod

vanity and light

Other wood towel bar

After and before of the medicine cabinet (the blue to the left of the new cabinet is the new wall colour)

That's all I can think of for now.  Please ignore all typos, Bron got me up at 5:30 and the coffee is just kicking in now.

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