Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Don't let his cuteness fool you.  He's an asshole.

I've had it with this cat.  He is the worst cat I've ever had.

I was rocking Bertie, getting him ready for bed.  I watched Juli get up from where he was laying, walk over to the door that had shopping bags hanging on it.  He sprayed them, and then walked away.  I threw him outside and said you're not in the house anymore!  

I thought this problem was solved when he became indoor outdoor.  But he peed (or sprayed) in Bertie's carseat a week or so ago.  And I've been struggling to get the stink out ever since.  If it was just a stinky seat I could deal, but Bertie smells every time he gets out.  Arrgggh!  

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