Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

This and that

Starting January 1st I went meat-free again.  Aaron and Bertie are doing mostly meat-free,  Bertie doesn't really like much meat anyway, so it's not hard for him.  I had a proud mommy moment today.  We went to the mall and were getting lunch while we were there.  I asked him if he wanted a burger (veggie burger, as we were sharing), a salad or rice and beans (Chipotle).  I was sure he'd choose the burger or Chipotle (he loves rice and beans).  He chose salad!  He didn't want much of the lettuce (probably because it very lightly dressed with a vinegrette), but he ate lots of edamame, chickpeas and lentils.

On January 1st I also cut out Diet Coke and all sugar (sweets, syrup, jelly, sugar cereal, fruity yogurt etc).   So far, this is only for January.  But I'll evaluate when the month is done. It's been so hard!  I had a terrible headache the first two days.  No more headaches, but God, I want sweets and diet coke.

We adopted our new three-footed kitty on Sunday.  She hitched a ride with a couple from Scotts Valley.  She's small, and hobbildy.  We went back and forth on names.  Aaron said "What about Priya?"  So she's call Priya.  She hasn't been introduced to the rest of the house yet, but we're getting there.

Bertie went bowling for the first time last night.  He was very uncertain at first, and didn't like the pins falling down.  But he got the hang of it, then really wanted to keep playing.  His final score was better than mine! I think I'll take him again during the day sometime.

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