Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Something crazy

 I'm thinking about doing something. Something out of character, and crazy. (Well, I think it's crazy). That is, I'm thinking about going back to school.

It's been on my mind, off and on, since I left in 2005 without a degree. I went through a few majors and ran out of time before grown up life (ie getting married) took me away from academia. I went in as a Biochemical Engineering major (haha, what was I thinking). Then as a Biology major (which I loved, but you also HAD to minor in Chemistry, which was not something I could grasp. I barely passed my intro course with a C). So I had to change, and went with my passion, which was Art. The problem with Art (aside from it having very little real world practicality), is that the majority of classes are studio classes, which take up huge blocks of time, and therefore, you can only take a couple each semester. If I were to return to art as a part-time student it would take ages to graduate. I could likely take one class a semester.

So I won't be returning as an Art major.

No. I want to do something useful. Something interesting. Something, that despite the fact that I'll likely be almost 50 when I finish, I could have a career, not just a job.

I was to major in Public Health.

I want to be a helper. I want to improve the community, and educate those within it.  

Aaron sent me a chart of the 10 sectors of public health. I'm not interested in the Policy sectors. (At least, I don't think I am. I don't know what I don't know).

I'll likely return to San Jose State. They have either a hybrid or all online program. I'm leaning toward the online program. The tuition is the same (as far as I can tell), and it'll be easier for me to schedule around the kids. I'll probably start out as part time, so I can ease back into it.

If I'm feeling really crazy, maybe I'll look into an MPH (Masters of Public Health).  But first things first.

The one problem I'm running into is the end result: working. I haven't worked full-time in over 10 years. I haven't worked part-time in over 7 years. I generally enjoy not having a "real job". I like taking care of the house, and making the kids a priority. Plus the fact that the majority of the Mental Load belongs to me isn't a huge burden, because that is essentially my only job. If I work outside the home, especially full time, the house is not going to be as put together and that makes me anxious. Plus, I'll then have the Mental Load of home and work. This is a concern.

But these are not concerns for now. I don't have to work, and I don't have to be full-time.

I got a copy of my transcripts. I have 116 credits. Most programs are 120 credits. But I have no idea how many will transfer to Public Health. (And hopefully they're still good, 20 years later). I have a phone appointment with an enrollment advisor in the end of June, which is where I'll start. I also sent in an info request to San Diego State University. They also have an online PH program, which a few more concentrations. And the cost would be the same. The only issue is they aren't local, so any issues would have to be dealt with by phone and email.  I looked at a couple other schools, but out of state tuition is killer. (I didn't realize it was a thing with online programs, but it is).

That's what I've been thinking about. I am full of trepidation and anxiety. But the thought of actually earning a degree is thrilling.

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