Just the life of any other Rachel

Friday, January 13, 2012

I don't feel well.  I feel so bad, in fact, that I wouldn't mind being on Prednisone at this point.  That's pretty bad.  Stupid Crohns.  I never realized how draining a long term illness is.  Funny, the things we take for granted.

On a brighter note, I have a new lofty dream.  I'm thinking about getting an RN when Aaron is done with school.  Two of the local community colleges have RN programs.  But I can't start applying til I know where we're going to be.  So hopefully by this time next year, I can be applying.  Also, hopefully most of my GE stuff will transfer from SJSU.  I talked to my mom to see if not having a BSN would be a hindrance.  She said it wouldn't unless I wanted to work in management, which I don't.  Plus, most of the community college programs have a bridge to BSN, should I change my mind.  But I'm not really looking for a career, per say.  But since it will be a while til we have kids, it would be good to have an actual career.  Useful skills, etc.  I think long term, I'd be looking to work at a doctor's office, or a small surgery center, not a hospital.  Just something with normal-type hours.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your're feeling awful lately :(

    It's important to have long-term goals and plans, and this one sounds attainable and like something you'd be really good at! plus, you'd be good at relating to patients in light of all the crap you've been going through with your health!
