Just the life of any other Rachel

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Random things

  • I hate bedspreads.  I think they're useless.
  • Pregnancy has made me lazier than ever.  But now that I'm not sick (and quite as tired) I'm making an effort to exercise.  I'm a little scared that I'll gain a lot of weight, and not be able to loose it.
  • I want to stock up on more books for Mojo.  Books are really important.
  • Fiona used to be my baby.  But she's been way more into Aaron lately.  She's his snuggle puppy now.
  • I'm still trying to figure out a Halloween costume.
  • Sometimes I inadvertently lead the dog parade around the house.  It's kind of cute.

1 comment:

  1. My sister in law was pregnant over Halloween last year and glued doll arms and legs to her shirt and added fake blood etc... it was really morbid, but also really funny.
