I was able to find ticket to visit my mom and sisters for $303 each, which is pretty amazing. The catch was that the flights are in and out of SFO, which is about 45 minutes away without traffic. (We have the San Jose airport less than 15 minutes from our house, but it (almost) always costs a lot more to fly from there). The other catch was that our departing flight was at 5am.
The kids were both asleep around 8, the night before we flew, which was good. The plan was to let them sleep until 2:40am. They both went to sleep in their travel clothes, in case we needed to carry sleeping kids to the car. That didn't end up being the case. Bronwyn woke up at 1, and never went back to sleep (which means I was up at 1 as well). And Bertram woke up at 2:20. Both kids were chipper and happy. Aaron slept til 2:40.
(It's 3am, I couldn't sleep, and Bron just walked in).
In my infinite wisdom, I signed up for TSA Pre-Check. That was a fantastic decision. We finished checking in at the airport, and gave them our 2 suitcases. I wasn't excepting a huge line at security, since it was 4am. But lo and behold, the line was very long, especially for 4am. I asked where the Pre-check line was, and someone pointed me a bit further down the concourse. One person in front of us! It was so quick I could hardly believe it. We didn't have to take our shoes off, or anything. It was amazing. Definitely the best thing I could do for travel. $75 well spent.
The kids were still in good moods as we made our way to the gate. They loved the spinning chairs. I let them play. We didn't have to sit at the gate too long before they started boarding. Bert was bummed we were in boarding group 7. He really wants to try First Class. I told him when he was a teenage, he and I could fly first at some point.

We sat in the penultimate row (by design). I figured being close to the bathroom was a good plan (especially since Bron has only been potty trained since January). I sat in the middle, Bert had the window, and Bron had the aisle. Bron's legs barely could touch the seat in front of her, if she tried. But the lady in front turned around and said something like "I've traveled with kids before, so take this with a grain of salt. But every time she touches my seat, I can feel it. And I'm going to try to sleep. If you could keep her feet down." I internally rolled my eyes. Her feet barely reach the seat. And if you need that much TLC when you flight, don't fly coach. But I told the lady I'd do my best.
Bron started to freak out at take off. Because it was loud. I gave her the tablet and headphones. But it didn't help. Once we were up in the air, I switched seats with her, so Kicky-Lady could have some peace. But then Bron started crying, because it was loud. I had to hold her, which meant her feet were more on Kicky-Lady's seat. Oh well, my kid is screaming, so you're not sleeping anyway. After a while, not too long, she calmed down. In the middle of the flight she climbed in my lap and fell asleep. Which was super uncomfortable. But I tried to relish it, since it may be the last time she does that. Bert just played his tablet and was perfect, in terms of behaviour. Bron slept maybe an hour. Then was fine. The rest of the flight was uneventful.

We arrived in Charlotte early. The kids were miffed that we had to wait for everyone else to deplane before we could. We had to change from concourse A to B. It wasn't much of a walk. Bert said he was starving. We found our gate and still had 90 minutes. So I suggested we get food. Bert didn't want to leave the gate, in case the plane (which hadn't actually arrived yet) left without us. But I convinced him to venture out with me. We got a sandwich for me, and chips for the kids. We sat at the gate and ate. Bron needed to pee, Bert said he didn't and he'd stay at the gate. So she and I ran off. She doesn't like public bathrooms, too much flushing and hand dryers. But she did fine. Bert stayed put (I was fairly sure he would, but I get nervous).
The second flight was less eventful. Both kids did great. It was a very short flight. When we arrived in Richmond we just the deplane line a bit, because the kids couldn't wait to see Nana. I went with it. Both kids ran to Nana. Our suitcases were waiting for us when we got to baggage. So everything had gone perfect, no late flights, kids behaved, bags arrived.
I had been very anxious about this trip. With all the cancelled flights, and two ASD kids, it is all up in the air (no pun intended). Bert asked what would happen if we missed our connection plane. I said we'd just get the next plane. He seemed satisfied with that.
As soon as we got to Nana's house, Bert said he wanted to go home. He couldn't be there anymore. This continued for a while. Then we ate, and he was a bit better. Bron wanted to explore outside. (Neither kid cared that it was 95 outside). So we found pinecones and sat on the porch swing. My mom had to run a quick errand, so we decided to ride along. Both kids fell asleep in the car, it was about 7. I was hoping to keep them up to 8. When we got home, I carried Bron to her bed, and she stayed asleep. Bertram woke up. And started in with wanting to go home again. And he was too scared to sleep. I told him I needed to shower and then I'd check on him. He checked on me, in the shower, instead. He calmed down a little, when I let him play Switch. When I was ready to sleep, I told Bert he could sleep with me, when he was ready. He came in a few minutes later, and went to sleep.

Now we're at the present time. I woke up at 2, and couldn't sleep anymore. So I went to Bert's room to type. And Bron came in around 3. I typed, she watched Bluey and read a book. Chipper as always.