Just the life of any other Rachel

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pregnancy is a weird thing

Yesterday was the first "real" ultrasound.  I've had 3 before; two(internal) in the office and one in radiology.  But all of those were early on, 8 and 9 weeks.  Mojo looked like a bean.  Though seeing the heart was really amazing.

Anyway, back to yesterday.  We did a 13 week NT ultrasound as part of a screening for downs, trisomy 18, and some other stuff.  This is the first appointment Aaron could attend.  I was worried about him being late, but he was on time.

We went right back, and there was a big monitor so I could see what she was looking at.  There was Mojo, big, right on the screen.  It was really amazing.  We could see the heart, the finger tips, legs, toes.  I loved the profile, I think it has the Patino nose (to be explained later).  Aaron thought it was so neat.  They also thought they saw a penis.  After she said that, Aaron said "oh, I think I wanted a girl".  (That was a surprise to me).  But the tech said it's still early, so she couldn't be sure.  The baby was moving a lot, when the tech would push on my belly.

They also changed the date from 3/11/14 to 3/22/14.  Which would make me 12 weeks, instead of 13.5.  But I don't think it's accurate.  Because if that were true, then my first ultrasound would have been measuring really big.  I would have been 6 weeks, instead of 8 weeks.  I don't think it would measure super big, then small.  So I'm not sure, but I'll go with the 13.5 weeks.  Also, I stopped feeling sick thins week, which work coincide more with being further along.  Baby Mojo is about 3 inches long.  He/it kept curling up.

All our results came back good.  Baby is healthy, hrt was 170, nice and fast.  Everything looked great.  We told the world yesterday.  Nanny was so excited she screamed.

I don't feel pregnant.  I don't think I look pregnant, though Aaron said he thought I was starting to show.  My belly is sticking out, but I think I just look fat.  But during the ultrasound the wand up right under my belly button, and there was Mojo.  So I guess there is some baby under the fat.  My boobs are getting big though.  I measured a couple weeks ago, because none of my bras fit.  I measured at a 38d.  Yeesh.  I've always been a b.  And not 38 either...  So my other symptoms are all clearing up.  Nausea is all but gone, unless I wait too long to eat.  I'm not quite as tired, I don't need desk naps most days.  I do still gag on my toothbrush most morning.  Headaches are pretty common, and I have a little acne.

Our baby is so lucky.  He (I think I'll call it a he for now, since that seems likely.) has so many grandparents!  Aaron's mom and dad, my mom, her long time bf Glenn, my dad, probably his gf Ginny (they've been together 4ish years, I think), Aaron's grandma, and Aaron's bio-mom, Trish and her hubby Rob.  Aaron was adopted at birth.  His bio-mom sent him a letter when he was 21, and he held onto it for a couple years.  He got in contact and we met her 7 years ago.  She lives in Minnesota, but still has family here, so she visits a few times a year.  That's where the Patino nose comes in.  I love it, I love a unique nose.  Slightly big, with a bit of a shelf.  I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited for you Rachel.

    With Kira there were some people in my grad program that could tell I was pregnant when I was barely 7 weeks along! I just felt fat.

    Glad you aren't feeling nauseous anymore. I felt nauseous my entire pregnancy with Kira. (minus months 5 and 6)
