Just the life of any other Rachel

Sunday, September 2, 2018

I missed all of August.

I think depression is still been an issue.  I don't feel particularly depressed, but I don't have any energy or desire to do much of anything.  And I binge eat.  For the most part, both of those problems will be solved when I start using Adderall again.  But that could still be 6+ months away.  My weight is still waaaayyy higher than I want, and than it should be.  But I can really only take that one day at a time.  I'm going back to 16:8, and working on my binge eating.  I'm trying to make an effort to move more (though, I only have 4000 steps today). 

Bertram started pre-K last week.  He seems to like it.  He didn't cry, when it was time to go in (which I was concerned about).  But it doesn't seem like he's playing with other kids much (maybe that's normal?)  Generally, he's perfectly happy to play by himself, so maybe I shouldn't be too concerned.  I drove both mornings (because Bron wasn't awake early enough to walk), but she and I walked both afternoons. (Actually, I tried jogging one of the days.  Holy cow, am I out of shape!).  But, as the weather cools off a little, I can spend more time outside.

And since I missed so much time, I can't actually think of anything else to add right now.


  1. Are you 6 months away from Adderall because of nursing? I feel like I will never be done nursing Matthew because he still doesn't swallow solid foods, and won't take a bottle.

    I think it's normal to not play with other kids much, especially at the beginning of the year. He will make friends as time goes by. Some kids are more extroverted than others.

    1. Yep. Bertie nursed til 18 months. Bron will likely go that long. Then I can get back on my sweet, sweet, Adderall.

      Maybe see if Matthew will take a straw, instead of a bottle?
