Just the life of any other Rachel

Monday, November 14, 2022



Meet Monty. He's a good boy. We adopted him from the Humane Society (the 3rd animal shelter we'd visited). He was shy at first, but he glommed onto me pretty quickly.  His name was Oscar. We were going to get a bigger dog, because our good dog was a big dog. One we saw bowled over both kids, while playing, another was not good with cats. 

Monty was fairly new to the shelter so they didn't have a lot of information on him. We know he came from Tulare county, and he was intact. He's likely a Chihuahua terrier mix. He's a scruffy boy. He did not like the car ride home.

Once we got home he filled me everywhere I went. We had dinner, did laundry, snuggled on the couch and watched TV. He peed outside. He sniffed all around our carpet (because Fiona peed on it), but didn't mark. He doesn't like his crate. He is not interested in people food, except cereal milk and melted ice cream. He is interested in the cats, but this far, has left them alone. But I'm not concerned about them, they had to deal with Yoie, they can hold their own.

When I told him it was bed time, he hopped right up onto the bed, and snuggled under the blankets. He snuggled with me all night. The cats came and went without incident.  He went out in the morning and went pee. 

He doesn't want to be alone yet, so he walked with Bron and me to school this morning. He is a good walker. He walks in the heel position, and doesn't pull at all. He was fine in the school scrum, not bothered by the crowd or noise.

I was nervous about getting another small dog, because Fiona was a bad dog. But I haven't had to worry about him charging, biting, excessively barking (so far), peeing inside, and just being a jerk.

I need to call the vet and set up a meeting, plus he's been sneezing a bit, so I want to get that checked out.

We're going to PetSmart in a little bit to get a new collar, a harness, some treats, some more food and some shampoo.

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