Just the life of any other Rachel

Monday, July 3, 2017

Somehow it's been a month since I blogged.  I suck.  

Let's see what I can remember.

Our 12th anniversary came and went without fanfare.  Between being 8 months pregnant, having a 3 year old and being poor, we didn't end up doing anything.  I think sometime after baby is born we'll have a do-over.  We had dinner at Chick-fil-a.  Haha.

Last week my FiLs truck was stolen from in front of their house.  It was his work truck, so all his tools were in it.  We assumed we'd never see it again, or if we did, it wouldn't be driveable.  Bertie and I came back from running errands today, and there it was, back in front of the house.  Nothing was missing, nothing was broken.  And, the weirdest thing, it was found one street over.  So that had a happy ending.  The police guessed maybe some kids wanted to go joy-riding, found they could, got scared, and left it.

Last week Aaron's co-workers threw us a baby shower.

It was really nice, and kind of fancy.  We got a lot of diapers, and clothes.  I'm making Aaron write all the thank you notes (since I did all of them from my shower).

Baby is measuring right on track.  I've had some braxton-hicks, but nothing "real" yet.  I had my GBS test last week.  I'm positive.  Lame, but no big deal.  We have her room mostly ready, I need to put a few more things away, and hang up the wall decorations.

Aaron got a promotion at work!  He was an EW2, now he'll be a supervisor.  Usually, one has to be an EW3 first, but they liked him, so he gets to skip a step (which is really rare).  So he'll make a good deal more money, and have a better commute.  (I should mention that his commute was good before, about 30 minutes, which is practically unheard of around here, but his new one will be 15-20 minutes).  So that's really exciting.  His supervisor pay starts today, but he doesn't actually start the job til next week.

Today Fiona has a seizure.  This happens once or twice a year.  Generally it's not a big deal (as in the vet can't do much).  But she was kind of running as she was seizing, and smacked her head into the bed frame.  I picked her up, and she had cut her forehead open.  I took her to the vet (which was fortunately open).  They kept her for four hours.  Gave her drugs to stop the seizure, and she got iv fluids.  They glued her head back together, no stitches.  They drew blood, but we won't have the results til Wednesday.  I was talking to one of the vet techs about fireworks, and mentioned we'd given Yoie her anti-anxiety medication last night.  The tech said that that medication can cause seizures in dogs that are already prone to seizures.  That was good to know.  She's currently still a little dopped up, so the few fireworks going off haven't bothered her.  We'll see how tomorrow night goes.  (Note: we have a thunder shirt for her, but putting it on her, makes her nervous.).

How far along? 37 weeks 
Total weight loss/gain: About 20lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, please.  I've been searching for a couple more nursing tops.
Sleep: Surprisingly, no real issues, except some insomnia.  Once I'm asleep, I'm usually good.

Best moment this week: Baby shower with Aaron's co-workers
Movement: She loves to dance
Food cravings: Otter pops, watermelon
Food aversions: Garlic, onions, and sometimes raw veg
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Some braxton-hicks, off and on. (By this time, Bertie was already born.)

Belly Button in or out? In, it's not going anywhere
What I miss: Sleeping on my back.
What I am looking forward to:  Meeting my girl
Milestones: We made it to full term!

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